Friday, February 17, 2017

To Engage or Not to Engage, That is the Question.....

I'm working on a few posts but am having trouble collecting my thoughts so I was a little relieved this morning that this popped up.  First, let me thank Shakespeare for inspiring my title and then let me dive right in.  Should we express our opinions on social media?  YES!!  One of the worst things about American social circles is our unwillingness to engage in conversation and to express differing opinions.  It's not political correctness, it's a total discomfort with confrontation and wanting to tell someone you disagree with them.  For goodness sake, disagree!!

Until last November I had somewhat given up on posting my political viewpoint or sharing articles that I had read.  I did share a lot of rescue dogs and cute animal videos from the Dodo - you should visit this site every day, watch the videos and share because you will feel better, you will be smiling a lot!!  Where was I?  Oh, right, Trump.  So, I had read all these articles about how you can't change someone's mind and that the more you argued your case the stronger the other person held on to their original view point.  I figured, what's the point of trying to talk to people about anything?  I'll just keep rescuing dogs and posting videos of someone jumping in to icy water to save a puppy.  You're welcome.  

This week I'm seeing and hearing (gawd, I sound just like Trump!!) people say that it's cowardly to unfriend someone who disagrees with you.  I was unfriended during the election and too bad for them because I am a really good friend, the know the bit.  I had pointed out that what they were in the act of doing was the exact same thing they were complaining about and they got mad, accused me of questioning their morals and ta dah!! I was unfriended.  

I'm a liberal progressive (should that be hyphenated? I don't know) and I'm happy to say that despite my upset, anger, confusion, frustration and constant posting about it, my conservative friends have hung in there.  Only a few of them ever speak up though.  If they post an article I do read it.  I don't always comment and maybe that's what they do too when they see my stuff.  The important thing here though is that we have a connection.  

I think though, we're at a defining moment in American history.  I do believe our democracy is at stake.  This election was anything but a rubber stamp on the status quo.  We're finding things out about ourselves that can make us very uncomfortable and I think we should just wade in and see where that goes.  If we want to be a free people, then we have to talk about our friends and neighbors who aren't free.  I should go down and talk to my Muslim neighbor to make sure she's okay.  I should make sure my black friends are okay.  I should make sure my immigrant friends are okay.  I should find out why my white friends think they're not okay.  I should look out for all the women in my life.  I should engage with my fellow humans anywhere and anyway that I can.  So should you.  Take a deep breath, think about what you think, "Self, why do I believe this?"  and dive in and start talking.  Otherwise no one knows and no one will know to care.  

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