Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Denial Done...Moving on to Anger

I've noticed that we Democrats are following the five stages of grief after the Great Tragedy - which is how I'll refer to the election of 2016.  We're progressing very quickly though as it's only been a week and we're already in Anger.  We were only in Denial for a brief amount of time and I'll note that it came with a a heavy dose of Depression.

We are all looking for a single thing to blame for what happened last week and as I pointed out in my previous post, I think there's a LOT going on here.  There is no one answer to this problem,  Like the Democrat party itself, it's a mixed bag.

Here's what worries me right now that just like Republicans in 2008 and 2012 who were working on being introspective and fixing things for themselves, that we Democrats are sitting in our ivory towers and deciding what we need to do without actually listening or talking to the folks who we want to vote for us.

I think a key to a strong resurgence of a party who looks out for EVERYONE, is listening and talking to folks.  That has to start at the local level.  I think it's a good time for each city, county, and state to turn inward and figure out what we need to do for our local folks.  We need to win local elections and state offices in two years.  That's grass roots.

If we know what's happening in our own states I think the next time out our national candidate is going to pay attention.  At least, that's what I'm hoping if we don't fall victim to Ivory Tower thinking.

Pay attention too when at long last the press is finally asking Trump supporters why they voted the way they did and their expectations.  They don't expect Trump to keep all his promises, and they're okay with a flawed candidate, clearly.  We, Democrats don't need to worry about being perfect.  That is the best news ever as we go forward.

Does this sound like Bargaining?  It did to me too.

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