Wednesday, October 31, 2018

What Happened to Halloween?

I'm sitting here in my living room awaiting the Treaters.  I have time to post a blog because there are hardly any out there.  In years past I've purchased the big bag of candy with Nerds and Sweet Tarts and all the tooth decaying sugar that kids love, only to be left with half of it.  I've bought the lollipops, that I then brought to the office to fatten up my coworkers.  I've had the Monster Mash playing on the stereo and I've purchased Dracula teeth to hand out with the candy.   I have a lot of Dracula teeth left over.  The kids who did come around loved them, but there weren't that many.

I loved Halloween as a kid.  I started out very young in a homemade costume my Dad came up with - pillows strapped around my waist to give me girth, I wore a pair of his Bermuda shorts and one of his shirts, a fishing hat and clown makeup.  I was a hit!  Clown was very popular in our house, but we also wore the store bought costumes with the plastic masks.  Every year my little brother was some form of Ninja.  We've been ghosts and aliens and washer women.  As an older kid I dressed up to head to Georgetown or Fells Point with a bunch of friends.  Now as a mature adult I love being the one to hand out the candy.

When I was a kid I remember waiting for my Dad to come home from work to help us with our costumes.  Neighborhood kids would already be starting to come around and my Mom was handing out candy and still we weren't out there!!  The whole neighborhood would be out, gangs of kids with bags and pillowcases full of candy.  It was not unusual for my Mom to run out of candy some years because there were so many Treaters out.  My sister and I were always so proud of ourselves when we treated every single house in our neighborhood. 

I don't know what happened to Trick or Treating.  I don't know why only a few kids come around.  I'm glad they do.  This year I bought the big candy bars because well, when there's only a few I can afford to go big.  A hefty reward to the kids who are still carrying on the tradition. 


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