Wednesday, June 29, 2016

I Cranked Out 5 Push-Ups - What Did You Do?

Like a lot of people I could stand to lose a few pounds.   Nearly every day I walk with my dog, and I've been unsuccessfully trying to change my diet (turns out I like cookies and ice cream a lot and it's hard to give up).  Still, it's not enough.  So, I thought, what if I started sharing my fitness and nutritional goals in my blog?  I can go public with my progress and maybe encourage some others to join in and do what I'm doing.  I'm not going to tell anyone how tall I am or how much I currently weigh - some of you know me and you can just guess.  My goal isn't to lose weight anyway, my goal is to be fitter and healthier and weight loss should just be a byproduct of that activity.

I've decided to start turning my morning walk with Alby into a run.  He and I are attending a "Leash Skills" class on Wednesday nights so he's less of a puller and hopefully by this time next week he and I, and even the current foster Boulder, will begin running.  I'm going to charge up my Fitbit to keep track of my 'steps' if anyone wants to participate.  If you're interested, I use the ResQWalk app on my mobile phone to keep track of distance and it works with both walking and running.  Feel free to connect with me on that too.  Unfortunately Fitbit and ResQWalk don't currently work together.

When I get back from my walk I've started hopping on my Bosu ball for squats.  Right now I'm trying to hold a one minute sit squat while standing on the Bosu ball.  After I can comfortably do that for a while, and I don't fall off, I may try to do more on that, but I don't know yet.  Once I'm done with my squats, I'm cranking out push-ups!  I can do 5 regular push-ups, not 'girly' ones.  They're not the best but hey, I'm just starting out here and am really glad that my arms are still working after doing this two days in a row!  When I can crank out 5 really decent push-ups I'll see if I can add 5 more and so on.

I don't have anything to share today regarding my changing diet (I'll work on that as I update the fitness goals each week).  Suffice it to say I ate a few cookies to get enough energy to write this blog and I need to do that less.

There you have it - daily walk of 3-4 miles slowly turning into a run, followed up with squats and push-ups.  Let's see how this goes!

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